COVID-19: Confinement - Social Distancing
Since my last post (here), 6 days ago (March 19 2020), the Coronavirus COVID-19 has further spread and reached the last few countries that were not yet affected back then, now affecting 197 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan).
The total number of infected cases has literally doubled, from roughly 220,000 infected cases reported 6 days ago (March 19 2020) to a scary total of roughly 423,000 infected today. The death toll has also doubled in 6 days from roughly 9,000 deaths (March 19 2020) to more than 18,900 deaths today (March 25, 2020, at 4:46 GMT as per
Here is a map for a better visual, created by DBSN, with data sourced from and courtesy of
The virus situation in brief
March 25 2020 -
The world continues to watch in dismay the spreading and the ravages of the coronavirus COVID-19, enable to stop it or cure it.
No vaccine has been found, yet a temporary treatment created by Dr Raoult and his team from Marseille (France) seems quite effective.
China asked the people to go back to work, while the rest of the world is still debating between imposing strict lockdown, quarantine and confinement for everyone or multiply the screening test, adopt certain technology to detect it and only isolate and quarantine the sick.
Hong Kong (and other countries and regions) are experiencing a second wave of epidemy coming from outside due to a surge of Hong Kongese, mainland China and foreigners coming back to HK after visiting or staying in other countries for a while.
A US company is suing China, its government, the Wuhan Institut of Virology and its director, for deliberately releasing the virus.
The number of infected cases around the world has reached a total of roughly 423,000 (424,000 depending on the source and when it was updated), including about 18,900 deaths (4.46%) and about 109,100 recovered (25.79%).
NB: A reminder that the total amount of infected people (as of today 423,000), only represents the total amount of known cases, meaning the people that have been diagnosed and hospitalized and thus accounted for. Yet, there might be 2 or 3 times more infected people who have not been accounted for, not reported, not diagnosed and/or not hospitalized, out there.
It is important to keep that in mind, and that is the main reason why wearing a mask, wash your hands and/or use hand-sanitizer, as well as, avoid crowded places and abide by "social-distancing" and "self-quarantine" rules are so important, as infected people may not know they are infected and contagious, as the coronavirus COVID-19 is highly transmissible during the 10-14 days (on average) incubation period prior to showing the first symptoms.
What's happening in China
About 2 weeks ago, after nearly 2 months and a half in lockdown (to contain the spreading of the coronavirus), the Chinese government asked the people working in factories to go back to work to boost the declining economy. While the total number of infected cases continues to increase in most countries around the world, resulting in the collapse of the financial markets, that decision was made after the monitoring of the situation, in recent weeks, suggested a slowdown or even indicated stabilization of the number of infected cases in China.
As you surely know already, pretty much everything we can buy (in this world) is, directly or indirectly or partially, "made in China", one way or another. In fact, China produces roughly 80% of the most renowned brand's items and products imported in the world (e.g. Apple, NIKE, North Face, etc...). Therefore and understandably, it is vital for them to restart the work in their factories, as soon as possible, to prevent further decline of their economy, as well as reboot their trade and financial market, and in the meantime the rest of the world.
However, as China seems to get better (something hard to verify, unfortunately, and therefore info to be taken with a grain of salt), the rest of the world is plunging rapidly into chaos.
How about the western world?
Governments of the western countries (Europe and US) still can't handle or manage the situation. Primarily lacking leadership, unable to make decisive decisions/actions or take initiatives. And, more importantly, lacking protective equipment such as masks, glasses, gloves, HazMat suits and even screening test devices, to screen, provide care for and protect the medical staff, the patients and the rest of their citizens.
In fact, Europe is more divided than ever, with Italy, Spain, Germany, France and the UK, being the most affected, and none of them helping each other. Facing the coronavirus situation, the current mentality, between countries in Europe, is more like "every man for himself, god to us all, and the devil takes the hindmost!"
Actually, I could even say "Europe is a myth!". Maybe not a nice thing to say on the day of the 63rd birthday of the European Economic Community (EEC), created on March 25, 1957, but the current political, economic and social situation, as well as the reactions and attitudes of most of the western European countries, confirm it.
Even when facing this pandemic situation, unprecedented over the last 63 years of the EEC existence, the European countries still seem unable to unite their efforts to find efficient solutions to solve the situation together. Moreover, the current situation in Europe (and in the US) is the result of the western European government's nonchalant and detached attitude towards the threat.
By not taking any immediate actions, not considering the gravity of the situation seriously and postponing to put in place the necessary prevention and precaution measures, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), until last week, they have been needlessly and inconsiderately putting all their citizens at risk and worsened the situation, while these measures could have tremendously helped to prevent or avoid reaching the present situation if they would have been put in place back in January.
The same goes for the US, where it is even worst than Europe, if I may say. As, No 45's deadly cocktail, (mixing conflicts of interests, political agenda, misleading leadership, incomprehensible public messages and controversial/paradoxical views, blended with a total denial of the gravity of the situation and pretending everything was under control, while it wasn't), was a decoy to not take care of the situation and put his own interests first, only aimed (once again) at blaming the democrats for everything, indulging in victimhood (as usual), lamenting and ranting about the lack of consideration and respect people have for him, and everything else, while putting himself on a pedestal, rather than find solutions to protect, provide for and save the American people.
New York City, for example, where I lived for 9 years and still have friends and acquaintances living there, is in really bad shape, lacking billions of dollars in stimulus to reboot the economy and allow the survival of multiple industries currently in dire straits. And in urgent need of masks, screening tests and equipment for health care workers, the death toll accounting for about 10 deaths per day in the Empire State. Other cities and states in the US are in an even more worrisome situation.
The reality is that a large amount of the American population now thinks that by not acting quickly and accordingly to the seriousness of the threat, the US government has been (and still is) basically sending many people to an unavoidable death sentence. As Health care in the United States is mainly provided by many distinct organizations, and that Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses, the death sentence is even more true if you do not have health care insurance.
Unfortunately, in the US, No 45 and his government have obviously failed to harness the virus and can't even handle the situation properly and efficiently, resulting in a growing distrust of the president on the eve of the presidential election, normally planned for November 3rd this year. Moreover, the US mentality and the overall capitalist system go by the expression "sink or swim", or even, "do or die", and the recent story of a guy that got infected by the coronavirus, went to the hospital and received a 40,000 USD bill for it, is an undeniable proof of it. You can't survive if you don't have money in the US.
Let's talk about confinement and social-distancing
Confinement is a drastic measure usually taken as a last resort, during emergency situations, and used only when everything else has failed. Understandably, the action of confining is to prevent from all external potential hazards to reach you.
However, the state of being confined is far from being easily supportable, especially depending on the conditions. It has many constraints. It deprives you of your freedom of movements, usually end up being super depressing and is not always the best solution. And it does not necessarily prevent all risks to happen to you. In some case scenarios, it might even increase the risks. No wonder why people are usually so reluctant to do it.
So, why do it so then? (will you ask)
Well, in the case of the coronavirus COVID-19 situation, confinement, somehow, became a necessity as some governments delayed and postponed taking the necessary precaution and prevention measures and actions, putting their citizens at risk, and also because people had (and still have) difficulties to abide by the rules and comply with the imposed restrictions due to the virus rapidly spreading situation.
By essence, the human nature (attitudes, behaviors, social interactions and daily habits, etc...), of people in general, blinds them from fearing what is not, directly or immediately, posing a threat to them and usually makes them oblivious to the actual risks and dangers of the situation they are confronted with. Resulting in a very detached and unconcerned attitude, towards the danger (COVID-19), the gravity of the situation and the rapidity of the spreading, putting them even more at risk and unsafe from harm.
Less present in Asia, where people are usually more disciplined and obedient, this laid-back and blasé attitude towards the virus and the seriousness of the situation, became particularly obvious in the western world, mainly due to traditional and cultural differences, as well as because of the distance with the epicentre of the outbreak in Wuhan, China. Far from the eyes, far from the mind and concerns.
And this wrong attitude complemented with a lack of care and concerns is the main reason why confinement and other drastic measures had to be imposed in some of the western countries.
While Italy and Spain have already been under lockdown and total confinement (containment) already for the past 3 weeks, some countries like France and UK and the US, were still debating and postponing whether or not putting in place the necessary measures of prevention and precautions recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
These 3 countries adopted a very distant, detached, unconcerned and nonchalant attitude towards the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, since its beginning in January, but were forced to put their whole population under partial lockdown and/or total confinement a bit less than 2 weeks ago, amid the rapid spreading of the virus, growing health and security concerns and the impossibility to control or stop the spreading and the overall virus situation.
Roughly about a month and a half ago, following into the footsteps of China's drastic measures, most eastern Asian countries and special regions took and put in place some prevention and precaution measures, (as recommended by WHO), including the immediate closing of some public areas and places to prevent people from crowding and thus limit the spreading. Although too late, the rest of the world has been following within the same footsteps, taking similar actions and measures in recent weeks, which should have normally been taken 2 months ago.
Confinement is a very difficult period of time. It is enduring and can last several weeks or even several months, and therefore I wish good luck, be strong, be patient and be safe to all of you that are going through the painful process of being in confinement.
As said above in the meme I created and as written in my previous post on the subject (here), it is very important to abide by the rules and restrictions and stay home as much as possible during the confinement, because
"The efforts of the minority are in vain if the majority does not make any!" - Domelgabor
and, if we had to resume our fate in one sentence, because
"The duration of our deprivation of liberty (during the confinement) will be proportional to the lack of individual civism" - Unknown
NB: Translated from the French "La durée de notre privation de liberté sera proportionnelle au manque de civism individuel"
Having a house with a terrace or a garden, and/or having the possibility to go outside from time to time on a daily basis, will definitely help mentally and morally to make this period easier to bear. Unfortunately, I think that for all those who do not have a house and live confined in small apartments with or without balconies or gardens, the confinement period will appear longer, more painful and traumatizing, and will surely have some psychological repercussions and consequences for some of us.
I say 'us" because I am part of the latter group, those who live in small apartments. I live on the 62nd floor of one of the large towers of a residence that has more than twenty towers. A real dormitory town of rabbit cages, where about 20,000 people all live on top of each other. It feels like a prison to me, sometimes can be unbearable stressful at times. But it is the only choice I have now and it is a very common way of living, here in Hong Kong.
Let's talk about Hong Kong
Here, in Hong Kong, we have been quite lucky so far, as, although neighboring China and therefore being in direct line of sight, quite close to the epicentre, we have not been forced to containment or confinement until now due to drastic precautionary measures and preventions put in place as soon as January.
Hong Kong was one of the earliest precursors to take these prevention and precaution measures, by late January, as HK had no other choice but to comply as quickly as possible, to limit people from mainland China to cross the border and for the virus to spread across the city.
Presently, 3 months later, due to people individual and collective civism and obedience, we have been lucky compared to the rest of the world, as Hong Kong has still not been put under confinement and remains one of the less affected countries and special regions, despite its closeness with China and the density of its population.
With memories of SARS-2003 still fresh in their minds, People of Hong Kong have seen and experienced previous epidemics, and even pandemics, and therefore were more prepared for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, both physically and psychologically. And although a wave of panic-shopping and mild hysteria affected Hong Kong for about 3 weeks, with toilet paper rolls, rice, pasta and canned food and other household products missing from the shelves for these 3 entire weeks, around late January and early February, things were, more or less, back to normal by mid-February.
Hong Kong Schools have been closed since January 30th. They were supposed to reopen April 20th, but due to a recent resurgence of infected cases, the Hong Kong government has decided to keep them closed until the situation is safe to allow to reopen them again.
Attraction parks (e.g. Ocean Park and Disney World, etc...), as well as museums, exhibition centres, sports grounds and stadium, concert places and other places of mass gathering, have also been closed since January, which tremendously helped limit and minimize the propagation too.
Unfortunately, an announcement of a mandatory self-quarantine of 14 days, (passible of a 25,000 HKD penalty and 6 months in prison, if not respected), to be taken at home for all people returning to Hong Kong after March 19, generated a mass return of Hong Kongers as well as foreigners living in Hong Kong, who had left ("fled" should I say), in January and February, thinking that the situation would be better elsewhere, but came back to HK, seeing how badly the situation was handled by the governments in western Europe and in the US, bringing back the virus with them, raising fears and concerns of a second wave of the epidemic.
A sharp increase in COVID-19 cases, following the mass return that occurred in the days prior March 19, has led to several decisions being taken by the Hong Kong government, which feared that the efforts that have been made, and the measures put in place until now to contain the virus, will have been done in vain.
First, close the borders to all foreign tourists who will no longer be able to access to Hong Kong. All arrivals of foreign tourists and transit in the city have been stopped since Wednesday, March 18 at midnight, Wednesday. Then, without specifying a date for now, the Hong Kong government decided to ban the sales of alcohol in thousands of bars and restaurants, amongst other things.
As a result of the worsening of the virus situation in Hong Kong, due to these returns from abroad, it is very likely that we may have to be forced to be in confinement too, like in much of Europe, the US and a lot of other countries around the world.
The economic slowdown of the last 3 months in Hong Kong, since January, has resulted in employees to be "thanked" for their services and "let go" in many companies, as well as the permanent closure of some businesses, shops, restaurants and even hotels (which have remained open until present, yet without any clients). The situation is difficult and the city of Hong Kong is still animated and functioning but at a very slow pace...and for how long?
Unfortunately, I fear that the containment of Hong Kong (as elsewhere) creates a financial, economic and social crisis from which it will be very difficult to escape and might generate some of the consequences which will be irreversible (in my opinion). Especially if the containment, or confinement, lasts several months or even possible until the end of the year.
As of today, we are still pretty much free to go as we please, but if the situation worsens, confinement will be mandatory like everywhere else in the rest of the world.
No Vaccine and no cure, but a promising chloroquine-based treatment for now
Unless you're living like a hermit in a cave with no electricity, no TV, no radio, no phone and no internet either, then you have probably heard of Dr Didier Raoult by now. He is the director of the "Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée infection à Marseille", an infection research institute based in Marseille (south of France). Based on initial researches that were first started in China, Dr Raoult and his team worked on developing a formula based with Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine to produce a drug he administered to patients suffering from coronavirus.
He became an instant viral sensation on social media, after claiming in a video that he had successfully tested a chloroquine-based drug on several patients infected with the coronavirus, showing very promising results against the virus, with partial or even complete recovery for, apparently, three-quarters of the treated patients.
That said, and it is important to remind people about it, Dr Raoult never claimed his formula was a response to a vaccine or a cure, he said that it was just a remedy capable of reducing considerably, even to 100% with some patients, the viral load of the virus in the body, if, and only if, administered early enough, meaning at an early stage of the contamination.
Understand that if the patient already has breathing / respiratory difficulties and needs a ventilator to breathe, the chloroquine-based formula/drug will have no effect, will not work and will not cure the patient either, and the patient may die, as it is already too late.
Meaning that the chloroquine-based formula drug will only work if given to a patient diagnosed at an early stage, and will help the patient body to fight the virus, and eventually to recover from it. Only at an early stage, not at a later stage.
Moreover, Dr Raoult and his team confirmed that the drug only works if administered early enough and on 3/4 of most patients treated with the drug so far. Which means, that some patients may (will) not recover fully and some may die.
It is very important to keep that in mind, and not think that this chloroquine-based drug is a miracle or magic potion capable of curing the virus, as this is not the case. Dr Raoult never said that. As he never said either that he would be able to save everyone. On that note, he even stated that the drug is just a temporary cure or remedy, while waiting for an effective vaccine to be found, not a definitive solution. Remember that.
Everybody is getting crazy about this chloroquine-based drug, for now, because:
It is the only remedy (so far) that is proven to be working against the coronavirus and helping some patients to partially or even fully recover from it (so far).
And also because we have no time to waste anymore and if that drug is working to save lives, it should be produced in large quantities and used immediately. Yet, you must consult with your doctor prior to taking or accepting this treatment and be aware that it might cause some side-effects (more details about the side effects in the chapter below).
Also, because all premature hopes to find a vaccine rapidly (as some laboratories claimed about a month ago) failed, as it might take another 6 to 8 months minimum prior to finding a vaccine and probably a few more months to be released. Thus, I think that it is wise to trust the real experts who said, back in January, that a vaccine probably will take between 12-18 months prior to being found, produced and released (end of 2020 or even early 2021).
And therefore, that Dr Raoult's chloroquine-based drug is our only hope for now, even if it might not work for everybody and might have side-effects for some patients.
Found in a commercial drug called "Plaquénil", produced in France by the pharmaceutical company SANOFI, the chloroquine is the key molecule mainly used in antimalarial drugs, despite also been used occasionally to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
After enduring, at first, the railleries from his peers in France (and elsewhere) as well as those from some governments in various countries, Dr Didier Raoult proved his researches and studies and tests with the chloroquine were highly conclusive. And given the effective results of the clinical tests, he suggested that the drug should be made available immediately to as many patients as possible.
As Chloroquine is fairly inexpensive and easy to produce, Dr Raoult suggested starting producing it in massive quantities to help fight and contain the pandemic. An initiative that was initially, unwelcomely received by governments and pharmaceutical companies, due to the lack of profitability, but, who finally conceded that it had to be done amid the gravity of the circumstances, the critical situation and conditions in some countries and the daily rise of the total death toll.
Thus, commercial chloroquine-based drug, like "Plaquénil" could, therefore, be administered immediately to the many people, who need it the most, including caregivers, as a temporary, yet affordable, easy to produce and an effective solution.
This could also help to prevent from putting whole countries under lockdown and confinement (containment), which is an essential measure, for now, to prevent the spreading, but one that could easily be replaced by massive screenings and testings to only put the infected under confinement/isolation/quarantine.
The latter (screenings and testings) being highly encouraged by both WHO and other world-renowned experts, like Dr Raoult, as a much better solution, compared with systematic long confinement of the whole population, which, if lasting too long, could have irreversible financial, economic and societal impacts in most countries in the world.
Chloroquine side effects
Please note that chloroquine-based drugs, like any other drugs, may have undesirable side effects on some people, including, but not limited to, the followings:
Vomiting / Throwing up (as a rejection by the body)
Blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, and diarrhea
Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects.
More serious side effects (than the ones cited above) may also occur with some patients, please check this website for more details:
For info, please note that this drug should not be taken without a doctor's recommendation and/or a specific prescription, I have also read that
Eyes sight loss or hearing loss may happen if taken at the wrong or high dosage
Cardio-vascular problems (and eventually death) may also occur with some patients
Consult with your doctor for more details about eventual serious side effects prior to taking any drugs. Do not buy the drug at a counter and do not self administer it, consult with your doctor first.
Remember that chloroquine-based drug is only a temporary remedy to partially or completely (for some patients) recover from the coronavirus symptoms. It might not work or be the most ideal solution (for everyone) to be completely cured depending on your body acceptance of the drug and the eventual side effects which may occur as a result of it.
That's it for today's post. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Much appreciated. I hope some of my views help some of you to better understand certain things about this whole COVID-19 situation. My posts are just gathered facts complemented with personal views and opinions, based on the analyses I do of what I read and watch, and also what I can see around me.
Hope you like them. If interested you can also check and read my previous posts on the subject (here, here, here, here and here)
Be strong, be patient, be safe and take good care of yourself and your loved ones.
And stay home.
All the best and stay healthy too.
©Domelgabor 2020
OMS "Organization Mondial de la Santé" (WHO in french)
Sources and recommended links:
(*) Data for the text, map and screenshot sourced and courtesy of March 19, 2020, at 04:55 GMT
(**) World Health Organization
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