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What You Need to Know

Like many of you, for years, I have been suffering from the ever-increasing lack of courtesy, manners and consideration of people in the street, in public transports, in public places, at work, at the mall, etc... and any other places you can think of.

In this age of advanced technologies, AI, screen devices and social networks, that I like to call the "me-first" age, where individualism, egoism and egocentrism mingle with lack of attention and consideration, as well as careless attitudes, selfishness and narcissism, I decided that I couldn't remain silent anymore, and that I had to say something out loud via a medium outside of politics, religions, skin colors and other stigmatizations, a character everyone could rely to: the stickman figure.    

Therefore, via this "courteous" stickman, I started writing about my opinions, my thoughts, and other curious wonderings and facts about our world and more importantly about the people. And more essentially about their lack of courtesy, manners and consideration toward others. And as I love drawing as much as I love writing, I started to illustrate my texts with drawings of the "courteous" stickman in various situations related to the texts. An image is worth a thousand words sometimes as it usually better transcribes emotions and feelings than texts.      

In short, I've created "Really!?! The Adventures of the Courteous Stickman by Domelgabor" with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind, with the hope that some might realize the wrongdoing of their attitudes and behaviors toward others, and change them for the better.


REALLY!?! (as you surely know) is an exclamation used to express surprise or doubt when faced with a situation where someone did something questionable. 

"Really!?! No, he didn't!!! Did he? Really!?!" 


And Domelgabor is my name, one of my many aliases actually...


Voilà! Hope you will enjoy the adventures of the courteous stickman in this action-packed tale of life in the big cities. 


Thank you, be courteous, have some manners and be considerate to others, it will make you a better person.  






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