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Lost Momentum

Writer's picture: DomelgaborDomelgabor

Updated: Dec 24, 2019

Lost Momentum by ©LeDomduVin 2019
Lost Momentum by ©LeDomduVin 2019

A blogger, in a way, is like a writer or even a journalist. All the posts are written based on the inspiration of the moment: a picture, an image, an idea, a thought, a fact, the news of the day, or even another post or article about a subject he or she would like to write about too, or whatever else could have triggered his/her interest and imagination to write a post, an article or even a book, at or based on this particular moment. 

As a writer, you usually wake up with an idea (it could also happen during the day, the evening or even at night). You rush to your computer and start to write something. The words are flowing right through your mind like the rapids of a river where converge facts, ideas, images, thoughts, stories, souvenirs and other memories. 

With words mingling in your mind, the post (or article or story) is slowly taking shape. The structure of the text evolves as the words appear to form phrases reflecting the idea, the inspiration and all other things you’re thinking about while typing them… but the clock is ticking! And it is time to stop writing. Time to do something else, like prepare yourself to go to work for example, or whatever else you have to do, which stops you from continuing writing under the influence of this very inspirational and inspired momentum. 

The facts, ideas, images, thoughts, stories, souvenirs and other memories, you had a minute ago, are now starting to vanish as your mind is preoccupied by other things you have to think about to organise the rest of your day. 

So, even if unfinished, you publish your post anyway as, firstly, you are not sure when you will be able to finish it (could be today or in a few days or who knows when), and as, secondly, you think that you wrote enough to trigger the interest of some of your followers and other potential readers. You're posting it with the conviction that you will come back to it and finish it later that day, even stating in the post, that it is still a “work in progress” and it would “be finished soon”, while knowing that this particular post might never be completed or finished, as you may never come back to it or , even worst, may not find the inspiration to finish it. 

If only you could have more time (and money too) to be able to stay at home and write (and get paid for it), or even go to other places to get the inspiration (a cafe, a bar, the park, the pier, the countryside, the beach, the mountain, etc…). But no, you have a daily job to think about, taking pretty much a large part of your day until late. Sigh...

Then after work, it would be great to be able to go back to writing a few more lines or even paragraphs, but no, you also have your life with your family, wife and kids, and things to do with them and other things that need to be taking care of, prior to be eventually able to return to your bubble and maybe write a little longer before going to sleep. 

A few days later, you realize that this great post or article you’ve started with so much excitement is going to be harder than you thought to complete and/or finish. You come back to it and start to edit it, revise it. Some new ideas start to flow, but nothing as exciting as what you had in mind when you first started to write it a few days earlier. You wish you could have finished it on that day, when everything was in place in your mind and the writing pace was flawless and completely natural, and didn’t require you to think, as everything was there, clear and present in your head, and ready to be transcribed on the page… 

But, this was a few days earlier already, and since, your train of thoughts has taken other directions. The inspiration of the moment is gone to make room for other thoughts. And the original idea that was great, only a few days ago, does not seem as appealing as it was anymore... and anyway, other people may have beat you to it, as thousands of articles and posts are posted daily on people’s blog, newspaper websites, news sites and other media like social networks. So, what’s the point?... as already, at least, 10 other people probably already wrote on the subject and posted their article on the day you started and should have finished yours….. (sigh).

Rings the bell? Well, it does to me, as it is pretty much the story of my blog life. 

How many times did I started to write a post and never finished it? Countless times…. Maybe I’m trying too hard, or maybe I’m writing posts that are too long, or too complex, or too detailed sometimes... and/or maybe I should change my ways of writing and write simpler, more straight forward and more to the point posts and articles… but it is usually difficult for a writer to change his/her writing style and patterns, isn't it? 

When I start to lose interest in finishing posts and articles I began writing a few days ago, I’m saying to myself that I've lost the "momentum"… this internal force (or will) driven by the inspiration and the imagination and, more importantly, the creativity that first sparked the idea in my mind. This same idea which vanished gradually in a couple days, as I could not finish the post/article on that same day, on that same moment, when everything was in place in my mind to write something that seemed good and interesting at the time. When that happens, it means that I've just lost the momentum.

Like any writer, when the momentum is lost, no point to try to go back to it, better move forward and write on other things, other subjects. 

Sometimes, it happens that I go back to revisit an incomplete or unfinished post or article (even the finished ones too), and, occasionally, I revise it (as my point of view on the matter may have changed or evolved). It even happens sometimes that snippets of inspiration come back while re-reading the post, and I eventually rewrite entire paragraphs to make them better or just different or have a better flow. If I'm inspired and inclined to do so, otherwise I don't, as I only write when inspiration comes.

Sometimes, I read an old post I thought I did not complete or finish, and realize that I have nothing to add to it, so, I leave it as it is, unfinished... Lack of inspiration? Maybe, but sometimes, I think that I write too much, too long, add too many details and even loose track of the original subject by deviating way too far into my thoughts and opinions... but, in any case, I never force myself to finish a post, especially if I have no inspiration to do so, and also if adding something will not necessarily contribute to make the post or article better...

Sometimes, the inspiration comes back, days or even weeks later, just like a "light bulb"idea, a new spark of inspiration quite similar to the one which triggered the original idea, and it is a great feeling to have the momentum back. It is like a positive energy generating a sudden surge to write more, to write the ending, or the conclusion, to finally finish that post... maybe also just to tell myself that I did not (and could not) leave this post unfinished… but, usually, if or when the momentum is lost, better move on and write on something else, another subject, with the inspiration of the moment. 

The life of a blogger, same for a writer or a journalist, is full of lost momentum that he or she can’t even anticipate, avoid or prevent. And, anyway, as inspiration comes and goes depending on the moment, the people, the ambiance, the atmosphere, the place, the context, the situation, and so many other factors, the writing of a piece on a subject is never completely finished.

As, if we want to develop on that particular subject, the ideas and thoughts of the writer being always changing, growing or diminishing, vanishing or resurfacing, yet constantly evolving and being influenced, directly and indirectly, by so many factors, emotions and reactions, internal and external, in the various moments of his or her daily routine, the sole idea of being able to finish or conclude a post or an article or a book is, in fact, quite abstract. The writer ends it as a self-discipline, as he or she knows it has to end at some point, but the need or will to write and add more to it, is still burning deep inside.  

Most of the times, the momentum triggering a piece of writing is just like a sparkle in the dark. Like an ephemeral light clearing your convoluted thoughts. It appeared and developed in your subconscious first, without your knowledge, prior bursting into your conscious like if coming out from nowhere. Suddenly, you see it. You have it. It is clear in your mind. It is right there in front of your eyes. Like if you were watching a movie in your head fueled by inspiration and imagination. It is an idea developing and evolving so fast, it better be put on writing right away before it vanishes forever or comes back under a different form. It is usually an expression of (and at) a specific moment that cannot be repeated and may never come back exactly the same way... 

Once it's gone, it's a lost momentum…. 

Thank you, 

LeDomduVin (a.k.a. Dominique Noel)

NB: This post is an internal mea culpa to apologize for all the unfinished posts/articles on my blog. It was originally posted on my other blog (, but I revisited and enhanced it for "Really!?! The adventures of the courteous stickman" by Domelgabor.

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