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Writer's picture: DomelgaborDomelgabor

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

COVID-19 : UNCHARTED WATERS by ©Domelgabor 2020

A massive "COVID-19 Tsunami wave" and "people swimming in uncharted waters" is what comes to my mind when I watch the news lately, and it inspired me to create the illustration above as a metaphorical representation of most people's feelings about the whole situation.

This Tsunami wave represents that tangible sense of fear, uncertainty and urgency, like a tension, a pressure most people can feel, throughout their whole body. Like a growing uneasiness knowing the inescapability of the looming danger. While everyone is trying to go back to live a "normal" life, as they can't stand any longer feeling deprived of their freedom and resent watching and earing dreadful news on a daily basis.

It is both psychologically and emotionally draining. As per the news, the official organizations and the statistics, every day, the wave seems to grow bigger, higher and more powerful than it ever was over these past 8 months. The virus wave does not rest or cease.

On the contrary, and although, it could almost appear like suspended in time and space when facing it (like for this man on my illustration above), it is closing in rapidly, grand, intriguing and mesmerizing, yet also scary and unstoppable, threatening to violently break and tumble on us, carrying everything and everyone in its path.

Unsurprisingly, that metaphor has now become a reality. In fact, taking the laxity and nonchalant attitudes some people demonstrated, toward the danger and the seriousness of the situation, during the summer months, (in most supposedly leading and educated countries of the West and the rest of "the 1st and 2nd world"), it was, unavoidably, bound to happen at some point.

People who do not respect the rules and restrictions supposedly made and put in place for their protection and safety, have to bare, at some point or another, the consequences of their actions (on/for themselves and more particularly on/for others). Take your responsibility and be considerate of others and their well-being. But, despite the daily reminders on all sorts of media, a lot of people still don't follow these rules and restrictions.

In fact, for most people, these rules and restrictions are just inefficient constraints, difficult to apply in their daily routine. And consequently, here we are: the second wave of COVID-19 (or 3rd wave depending on the countries), that was looming on the horizon for the past few weeks, (since the relaxation of some of the social restrictions and distancing rules during the summer), is now moving and spreading at an increasing speed, like a Tsunami causing havoc and confusion along the way.

As per the statistics, the number of infected cases and mortality has multiplied by 3 in the last 4 weeks (in roughly a month) compared to the total number of the previous 3 months. Meaning that, for example, in some countries, some hospitals have received 3 times more infected patients in the last 4 weeks than within the 3 precedent months.

Understand that, now that they are operating at full capacity, most hospitals will be unable to welcome, assist and provide care for more patients than they have already (until some either die or recover), thus creating a bottleneck situation that will impede patient's traffic flow, may endanger other people and help to increase the virus spreading velocity.

As a result, some regions in some countries, gravely impacted by the virus and experiencing an increasing number of both symptomatic and asymptomatic people, are, will and/or have already been recently put back under confinement, due to the recent resurgence of infected cases.

Moreover, as the northern hemisphere is slowly entering the Fall/Winter season, comes a vast array of winter illnesses with it (i.e. Common Cold, Flu, RSV/Bronchiolitis, Strep Throat, Norovirus, etc...), that may have nothing to do with the coronavirus, but may present similar symptoms, potentially scaring people, and thus impacting, both physically and psychologically, those affected by these illnesses.

The similarity of the symptoms might create stress and confusion in the mind of these people, and also nourish their fear and doubts, making them believe that they might be infected with the virus. Eventually, this situation will lead to increasing the number of lightly ill, more seriously sick and/or even COVID-19 infected people to be admitted in already full hospitals, worsening the situation.

The other scary part, despite the coming of flu season, is that, amid the coronavirus pandemic, other problems like climate change did not stop. For example, temperatures are dropping fast, in some regions of Europe, where some people have already experienced the first wave of temperatures below 10°C, and even snowfall in some places, which is quite incredible as we are only at the end of September (anyone still sceptical about climate change?).

Consequently, some people might be caught off-guard by the sudden weather pattern and temperature changes, catch the flu (or any of the other wintery illnesses cited above), thus becoming more vulnerable, less immune and likely more prone to get infected by COVID-19.

Doctors and scientists have already envisioned this situation might (will) happen and that the end of this year 2020 (the next 3 months Oct-Nov-Dec) might be more difficult than what we have experienced (so far) since January, generating a massive surge of infected cases in the northern hemisphere's countries, which might be forced to be back on national and/or even regional lockdown and eventually keep their population (regionally or nationally) under confinement again to help curb the spreading (my "COVID-19 Tsunami wave" illustration above will then be very "à propos" in this context).

Basically, looking at the whole situation from a distance, it seems that between the current main pandemic ("SARS-CoV-2" and its disease "Covid-19"), climate change (large-scale shifts in weather patterns due to "natural" and "manmade" causes), global warming (primarily due to human activities, and the extraction, use and burning of fossil fuels, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere, greatly impacting and part of the climate change), wars, civil unrests, protests, political tensions and way too many other things, the world is in chaos once again.

An unfortunate and sad reality, already including factors that can no longer be or remained ignored, like, among others, the consequences of climate change and global warming, over the last 20 years, resulting in the rising annual number of extreme "natural" events turning into "supposedly natural" disasters (i.e. wildfires, flooding, drought, hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes, etc...).

To which, we should add, among other things, the tense political climate and the ongoing recession generated by the whole situation (resulting from the economical, financial, political and social crisis largely due to the pandemic), which has been experienced by many countries around the world in the last few months.

The virus pandemic situation has been going on for about 9 months already, and most Governments still have tremendous difficulties to manage and deal with it, let alone finding solutions for it. Some are more preoccupied with presidential elections, negotiations on business deals and arrangements to put allies in key positions to ensure safe reelection, rather than by the fate of their nation and citizens.

People are divided and fed up, tired of listening incompetent, corrupted and inefficient politicians misguiding them into what to do or not to do, changing their mind from one day to the next, facing a total lack of control and knowledge regarding what is going on with the virus and how to tackle it to prevent their respective country to further fall into depression and restart their economy.

The stinking scent of recession can be smelled in most countries, carrying with it the fear of an unprecedented economical, financial, political and societal crisis founded on factors largely exacerbated by the pandemic situation and the governmental incompetence facing it and the combination of both their consequences: the lack of mutual help between countries, the resurgence of nationalism, the "ingérences" in the domestic affairs of countries that are both opponents on some subjects and partners/allies on others, etc.

The world of politic is in turmoil and even democracies are bending under the people's mistrust in their politicians and the resulting pressure they apply on their governments for changes to be made in a timely fashion for things to get better as soon as possible.

In terms of international politic, despite the rise of the so-called "emerging countries", what we have been witnessing within this past decade is like a kindergarten/schoolyard fight between the superpowers: the main fight being "USA vs China", while Europe, in the middle, is trying to make the best of the situation "on and with" both sides, with the intention to come out (of this "cold war" between the two giants) greater and be seen as a major player too.

Meanwhile, Russia is watching, not really taking any side, but controlling everyone moves like a puppeteer, making sure to place as many pawns and other powerful pieces on the board of this world game of chess, to be able to move on any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, at everyone else dismay and suspicion, yet without taking any part of it directly and denying any responsibility.

I could debate for much longer on all the problems and issues the world is currently facing (and has been for long while). I could even write books about them. Yet, I will just end this little rant, as I don't want to bore you any longer with that, the TV journalists, documentaries and TV series already do a great job at it on daily basis.

A few questions come to mind though:

Are we really seeing and facing these problems? Or are we in total deny of them? Are we really listening to those who have been trying to warn us for years? Are we really doing anything about it?

Ideally, the higher the concern the greater the result, but who's really concerned these days? Most people in this world have already difficulties to meet month-ends, and their main concern is to be able to put food on the table and clothes on their kids.

Earth population is rising in a world where civil unrest, riots, wars, famines, epidemics, pandemics, climate change, global warming, and pollution of the air-ground-water, together with the recession, economical, financial, political and societal crisis (among other things), form an ultimate weapon of mass destruction that none of the world's most powerful leaders wants to deal with. Why would they? They won't (governments, major companies, lobbyists, etc...), as they capitalize on it. So, as long as it is good for business... (sigh).

As long as money and power (and religion) rule the world, nothing will really ever change.

Sorry, I'm wrong, certain things have changed in the past decade (or so), under the influence of some strict believers who are sure (absolutely categorical) they have it right (and that there is no other way) and influential enough to have it their way and get away with it (as it is the only way, anyway), certain things have changed, yet for worst.

With the rise of nationalism and extremism, exhibited by some incompetent erratic leaders (presidents, prime ministers, dictators, religious figures, etc...), and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic situation (since January 2020), the majority of the world is now in the hands and at the mercy of "regressists" and "radicalists" imposing their censures, restrictions and vetos on pretty much everything: homosexuality (LGBT in general), abortion, nudity, freedom of speech and freedom of expression in visual arts and/or any sort of form of arts and expressions.

A very Orwellian world in short.

To conclude, I will just say that these are strange times we are living in. And it is the generation of my kids that will greatly suffer from it, and I'm frankly unhappy about this whole situation. And, although I have been constantly (and still am) making small changes at my own level, I don't see much amelioration in the overall picture, more the opposite actually.

Which kind of world are we leaving to our kids? Which kind of example did we set for them? Which kind of example are we giving them? What will be left (for them) if we continue to destroy things at this pace within the next few years to come (without doing anything about it)?

What is the point if the recurring efforts of a minority are constantly reduced to nothing by the majority? How can we expect to eradicate a problem (whatever it might be), if we adapt to it and capitalize on it rather than finding a solution at the source for it?

For my kids, I still have hope and keep things as positive as I can, for, (and despite all odds), I really believe that the united efforts of everyone will help to get things better. I even conduct myself in the most respectful and responsible manners on a daily basis to minimize the negative impact my passage on this earth may have and to set a good example for my kids.

But, in fact, I personally lost faith in mankind long ago. And the addition of this new virus pandemic combined with the uncertainty of the near future, the impossibility to project nor anticipate what will happen, even within the next few months, makes it even more difficult for me to retrieve that faith.

It has been more than 40 years that I have been earing the same things, over and over again, about what "supposedly" needs to be done to prevent air-ground-water pollution, climate change, global warming, to encourage, establish and reach more sustainable systems to preserve the earth and the environment, save species, end wars and famines, etc... etc... and 40 years later, nothing has really changed, in fact, it seems that things have even got worse than they were...

This is just an opinion, yet and fortunately, certain things are way better than they were 40 years ago. More especially in terms of advanced technologies, sciences, medicine and education, which is a very good thing. As, overall, I'm a progressist, advocating for anything relating to or characterized by progress, showing interest in and making use of new ideas, findings, or opportunities, as well as promoting an educational theory marked by an emphasis on the individual child, the informality of classroom procedures, and encouragement of self-expression and development of her/his inherent skills and abilities.

In any case, and no matter what, (and I have said it many times and in many posts), if we don't react and do something to change things now, today, and if we basically continue to pollute, contaminate and destroy things at this current rate and pace, tomorrow will be too late, as we will crash really hard into the wall we have been building for decades for us to crash into.

And, unsurprisingly, we will surely also take the full force of this COVID-19 Tsunami wave in the face, sooner than later, if the majority of the people don't change their attitudes and behaviours.

As scary as it seems, the future is undeniably blurry as we are literally moving in uncharted waters with the threat of a COVID-19 Tsunami wave about to break upon us.

All that said, I really hope things will change for the better soon, for all of our kid's future to be better and brighter than what it seems to be becoming now.

Thanks for reading my post and till next time, take good care of yourself and your loved ones and be safe.


All the above including pictures, illustrations, charts and texts ©Domelgabor 2020

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