COVID-19: Now What ?!?
Looking at the world from a distance, it is not difficult to realize that our little blue planet has been sick for quite a while now. One could even say, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, back in the 1760s.
Tortured and slowly consumed, ever since, by what was once just a fragile creature that, with time, has evolved into a dangerous and unhealthy parasite, a supposedly "intelligent" predator ruling at the top of the food chain called "human".
It might sound harsh to say that, but by making a list, taking into consideration all the damages and consequences generated by the various human activities and factors over the past 300 years (fossil fuels, pollution of the ground, the water and the air, deforestation, the decimation of some species of fauna and flora, electromagnetic fields, satellites and other space trashes occupying and polluting the exosphere and beyond, etc, etc...), and more especially over the last 100 years (since WWI), one will only come to the realisation that it is more than a fact, it is a sad and sombre reality.
Our little green and blue earth, the only planet humans have ever lived on, has countless times tried to fight back, in various ways, to warn us we were going too far. But, the same humans that were put in charge of this beautiful garden of Eden, to protect and nurture it, lost their innocence of the genesis, ignored the warnings and slowly destroyed it in the names of money, greed, power and politic (and religion) (to this day).
Looking at it a bit closer, and more particularly over the last two decades, the world has been suffering from year-to-year increasingly devastating signs of climate change and global warming (hurricanes, typhoons, hail, flood, drought, wildfire, etc...), one way or another, directly or indirectly, correlated with human activities and factors.
But, one may wonder: Is it really the world that is suffering? Or, is it us? Puny humans, watching in dismay, powerless and helpless, the resilience and mightiness of the earth's immune system trying to get rid of the annoyance we represent to heal and rejuvenate itself.
And, like if that was not enough, to make us better understand that what we have been doing is wrong and must stop now, a new plague, (sent by the Gods or generated by Mother Nature, once again, to warn us, humans), has taken over the world in the last 5 months, and it seems unlikely we will be able to get over it any time soon...
Consequently, the world is now stuck between the climate change/global warming/earth-fighting-back situation on one side (with all the consequences that come with it), and the ongoing coronavirus "COVID-19" pandemic situation on the other, which inspired me to create the illustration above, but, more importantly, has had people legitimately and understandably wondering: Now What ?!?
Now, what ?!?
Now, what ?!? Because, to most people, this whole situation is quite incomprehensible and unbelievable. It has now reached a point that was unthinkable and even unpredictable just only 2 months and a half ago. When most leaders of the west were still mocking and laughing at the situation, disregarding the seriousness and gravity of the situation, taking crowd baths, shaking hands and indulging in political rallies and assemblies, while totally ignoring the suggestions and recommendations from the World Health Organisation, which has been informing the world of the evolution of the outbreak since January 20th.
Now what ?!? Because, the lack of preparedness and readiness, the lack of early concerns toward the outbreak, the lack of initiative and decision-making attitude, as well as the misinformation/disinformation, lies and false-promises, displayed, expressed and adopted by most western leaders and their governments (until very recently and even still now), led to the negligence and mishandling of the whole situation in their respective country, unnecessarily putting people at risk and worsening a situation that could have been easily anticipated and prevented if handled properly from the very beginning.
It is easy to criticize and accuse the WHO and China of being responsible for the whole situation and to a certain extent to all of the deaths in the western world, while everyone knows the WHO and even China have been trying to inform and provide guidance and advice on preparedness to the rest of the world, more especially Europe and the US, since January. Yet in vain as most of these countries leaders and governments did not listen.
Now what ?!? because, and, yet again, it was up to each of these countries' leaders and governments to listen and prepare themselves since January to protect their citizens. But they did not. As a result, mainly due to these government's mistakes and misjudgement of the outbreak, half-of-the-population of the world has now been on confinement for a while, since mid-march for some countries, with some, just preparing for it, and some hoping to come out of it soon, eventually mid-may if possible.
Now what ?!? because it seems that, for most people, the world has either reached:
a "dead end" for the most pessimistic, especially those fearing a second wave after the deconfinement, and even more fearing the consequences of an unavoidable and long-lasting economical and financial crisis looming in the not-so-distant future, as well as the attitudes and comportments some people may adopt to both protect themselves (and their loved ones) and survive, due to having lost their job, having no money and no social nor medical coverage (like in the US for example).
or the "end of a cycle", which may awake the people consciences to make some changes to our way of living for a better future, with an eventual "renaissance", at some point (let's hope soon after), for the most optimistic, right after exiting the economical and financial crisis within the next 12 to 18 months maximum (even if it will still have dramatic consequences if it last that long)
But, no one really knows what to think or what to do? People are just to anticipate and speculate on what may happen, but who knows? (...except maybe the deciders who have already envisioned the taste of the world and the people from the high stratospheres of power, money and politics)
Either way, you look at it, in both cases, it seems to be the end of something, as for now, there is no solution, no remedy, no vaccine, no cure and, thus, no possibility to project ourselves or predict an eventual outcome, even in the near future.
So, the obvious, for now, is that the world is in dire straits, the full extent of the situation is unclear and the future is uncertain. And, for both the "climate change/global warming" and the "coronavirus pandemic", it is unlikely these situations can be solved rapidly in the foreseeable future. And it seems that even what could appear as conceivable cheap solutions are discarded as not profitable enough... (sigh)
Moreover, the whole situation might take a long while to be solved, as everyone has become a virologist expert, atop of being previously a climatologist and global warming expert too. And consequently, instead of listening to the real experts and scientists, everyone now seems to add his own little grain of sand to an avalanche of unfounded and intangible data and info, flooding the media and social media, that would be better to be taken with a grain of salt.
Hence, it has become extremely difficult to dissociate the truths from the lies, the real news from the fake news, and more especially what or who to believe, as even the political actions and decisions are not as transparent and intelligible as they should be in such situation, as the politics seem to play a game favouring the political, economical and financial aspects of the situation rather than the human aspects.
And while the people are helplessly and powerlessly thinking or shouting out loud "Now what?!?", the spreading continues, some governments continue to apply the politic of the 3 monkeys ("see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil", to which we could even add "admit no evil"), and the resulting numbers are saddening.
Only 15 days have passed since my last post (here), on April 20th, and today's official estimated total has reached the astronomical number of 3,646,103 infected cases (*).
That's a staggering jump of about 1,238,688 additional infected cases, compared to the total of 2,407,415 infected cases, roughly 2 weeks ago. +1.2M in 15 days !!! This is amazingly insane and astonishingly bewildering.
And still, this total might be largely underestimated has every country has its own way to count the infected and the dead. Thus, this total mostly includes the people that have been officially seen by a doctor, tested and/or hospitalized, and therefore recorded. And depending on the country and the type of political regime, only represents what the government has decided to reveal and what they deemed being the official number.
Yet, it does not include all the people that have died, directly or indirectly because of the coronavirus and/or due to previous or additional pathologies already present prior to the virus (overweightness, obesity, diabetes, smoking, cancer, etc...), at home or anywhere else (nursing homes, etc...), which, if added, could considerably increase the official total number of infected and death cases in the world.
Today's "supposedly official" total includes 252,407 deaths (6.92%) and 1,197,708 recovered (32.84%)... meaning that roughly 2/3 of the infected people are still fighting the virus, some being asymptomatics and some being near death, (the rest being anywhere in between), but, in both cases, all affected by a seemingly uncontrollable and unstoppable virus.
Yet, and surprisingly, the virus situation does not seem to be handled the same way and have the same consequences everywhere. Each country and their respective government having its own agenda, views and perspectives regarding the gravity and seriousness of the situation and how to handle it.
Some still think it is just a small flu. Some still think it is a hoax. Some are thinking that it is a conspiracy theory, driven by a powerful group of few ultra-rich and influential individuals, with sinister political, economical and financial motivations, aiming to implement a global government, to dramatically reduce and control the world population.
Some think it is the consequence of the 5G network and the increase in electricity and magnetic waves in the air and overall atmosphere. Some think it was accidentally, or even maybe intentionally, released from a P4 laboratory (**), where coronaviruses have been studied since 2015 and may have been genetically modified or enhanced for diverse purposes.
Whatever you think it is, please, at least take the threat seriously, if not for you, at least for others that you may eventually put at risk due to your behaviour and attitude. Respect the recommendations and abide by the rules, even if it affects your individual freedom. Otherwise, it will become a vicious circle (or loop if you prefer) that will never end, and people will continue to get contaminated directly or indirectly by people like you.
Just think about it, please.
Work in progress - to be continued
(*) Total of infected cases sourced from
(Total of 3,646,103 on May 5th at 3.34 GMT)
(**)The P4 Laboratory in Wuhan exist since 2015
#covid #coronavirus #covid19 #covid_19 #pandemic #nowwhat #domelgabor @domelgabor