
Dec 9, 201910 min

The Bathroom's squatting smoker

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

I know what you are going to say: "Another bathroom post? But, you already wrote (quite extensively...) about men's bathroom behaviours in previous posts!". And I totally agree, but I can't help it! You see, writing about going to the toilet (in general) and men's bathroom bad behaviours is a recurring subject with me (and talking about men's lack of courtesy, manners and consideration is the main purpose of this blog after all).

So, yes, another bathroom post, why?

  1. First, because I personally spend (waste?) a lot of time in the bathroom daily. Consequently, it is a subject I know quite well. In fact, I master this subject so well, I could even have a PHD in scatology.

  2. Secondly, because I have seen too many disgusting and discouraging things everywhere I went on 3 continents and usually find men's behaviours in the bathroom being so atrocious and disgusting, in general, that I could even write books on the subject, which basically makes me an expert on the matter.

  3. And thirdly, surely because of the fact that toilets are where men show the most their lack of courtesy, manners, politeness and consideration toward others, by doing all sorts of unimaginable things, like leaving their excrements for other to see, smell and even being forced to clean occasionally (in certain situations, difficult to do otherwise).

Re-reading my previous post on the subject (read it here), I realized that I missed stating an important, (critical I should say), recurring and super annoying situation, which gives me a good excuse to write a new post about it (them, in fact, as there are 2 situations I forgot to mention actually, thinking of it).

To briefly recap my previous post, I talked about the guy who does not flush, does not clean after himself, and usually pisses on the toilet seat, on the floor and/or even on the wall, often resulting in an unavoidable puddle of piss right in front of the toilet, in which, the next person will have to (unfortunately) walk into in order to access the toilet. Which is disgusting, incredibly rude and definitely says a lot about the guy who did it. Personally, I hate it and despise all people doing it. Just clean after yourself if you missed, and if you didn't miss, then NO, it is NOT OK to pee everywhere on purpose. So inconsiderate and rude, I can't stand it.

In the same post, I also talked about the guy (probably the same guy), who, not only pees everywhere (without cleaning anything or even flushing, that goes without saying) but also poops everywhere, on the seat, on the floor or even on the wall... ...leaving people (like me) wondering how bad at aiming one can be (with his own ass) to miss the toilet bowl so impressively? Or, maybe there were two or three people at the same time in the toilet to be able to do so... (impossible otherwise... unless suffering of a rare rear-end handicap)...

However, what I forgot to mention in that last post on the subject, and which are probably and respectively the number #3 and #4 out of my "Top 5" most annoying and disgusting things men do in the bathroom, is the guy (probably the same guy as above... him again!!!) who put his dirty shoes on the toilet seat and/or smoke while doing his business on the throne. I mean, what's up with that!?! Really!?!

The dirty shoes on the toilet seat... Yuk!!!

The dirty shoes on the toilet seat are, to my knowledge and my experience, a cultural thing, done in a lot of different places in Asia (more especially China, Japan and Thailand) and pretty much everywhere else, where men (and women), (until very recently for some Asian countries), only knew the convenience (or inconvenience...) of the hole in the ground, more commonly called "the Turkish toilet" in Europe (not to be mistaken with the Turkish bathroom or "Hammam") and universally known as the "squat toilet" or "squatting toilet" (due to the position one has to take to prevent peeing/pooing on his/her clothes and shoes, as there is no seat to sit on, just a gloomy seemingly endless hole in the ground...).

People who have been raised with the "squat toilet" are used to that position, as well as keeping their shoes on (I mean, it would be disgusting to go shoeless - barefoot - on a squat toilet, don't you think? ). Unfortunately, their lack of western latrine's education (or even just "education" in the broader sense of the word) as well as their lack of better judgment, do not help either on that matter and do not even make them reflect on the fact that they should NOT put their dirty shoes on the seat when going to a "sitting toilet". There is, irrevocably, a Sino-Western clash of cultures in that sense when speaking about "squatting toilet" vs "sitting toilet".

And like if spreading germs and bacterias to others by putting his shoes on the toilet seat was not enough, the guy (who is doing it) usually does not even clean the toilet seat after finishing his business, leaving dirty footprints all over the toilet seat (I never understood why we cannot say "shoeprints", which is factually more accurate than "footprints"). I understand it is a cultural thing, but still, please think about other people passing after you and clean the f**king seat!!! (and do not think that someone else is here, or even paid, to clean it in your place, as it is not true, and "no-one-else-but-you" should clean it... uneducated-disgusting-selfish-toilet-seat-soiler-bastard!!!)

Personally, I don't understand "why", or even "how," people think that it is ok to dirty the seat (even the overall toilet sometimes) in the first place with their urines, defecations or even shoes, and not clean it after themselves... I really don't understand! Either they are too stupid to understand that it is wrong to do it, either they just don't give a "shit" and could care less that someone will have to do it for them. I both cases, "squatting with your shoes on the toilet seat" is wrong, disgusting, rude and inconsiderate, and shouldn't be done unless immediately cleaned prior to leaving the bathroom (like the rest of what you did actually, meaning not only the footprints but also the yellow droplets and the brown traces or even pellets you left intentionally on the seat, the floor or even the walls... and even your cigarette butts, yes, those too, you filthy animal!). Clean up your mess!!! No one should have to do it for you!

The cigarette butts...

Like if all the above mentioned was not enough, the second thing that I forgot to mention and that really annoys me, is the people who smoke in the bathroom. I mean, there again, what's up with that?

In some case scenarios, you may have already lighted a cigarette outside, and did not throw it away while you entered a minute later in the public toilet. Ok, why not? But still, you could have thrown it out before going to the toilet or right before urinating. Why going to the trouble of keeping it in your mouth or having both hands taken, one with your willy the other with your ciggy? (the same question could be asked for your cellphone, isn't it?)

But in the case, you are just going to pee, please don't light up a cigarette in the bathroom, go outside after you pulled on it to evacuate the last few droplets, clean your mess and wash your hands prior going out (in that order).

However, you should NOT smoke in the toilet as It is strictly forbidden/prohibited to smoke in the bathroom! It is written everywhere and offenders can be fined up to $5,000. I mean, we are not in the 90s anymore, when it was still a thing as a teenager to go smoke in the bathroom. And I understand that smoking has been banned pretty much everywhere, but one can still smoke in the street and other smoking zones. So, why the need to go smoke in the bathroom? I don't get it. (And I have been a heavy smoker myself for a long while, so I know what I'm talking about).

First, because it stinks, and not only the ambient air of the bathroom but especially yourself (your clothes, your hairs, your skin, etc...). Meaning that if you wanted to hide from others, for them not to discover that you are hiding in the bathroom to smoke, well think again, they surely all know what is going on as you reek the smell of cigarettes from far away (as you smoked in a closed space area, duh...).

Secondly, because it is really inconsiderate for others who do not smoke and do not like the smell of smoke, especially when defecating in a dirty public toilet, (where it is already uncomfortable and smelly, and thus too difficult in so many ways to be enjoyable to defecate quietly and peacefully), to have to do it in such conditions and to suffer from second-degree smoke on top of that.

Thirdly, because,(and especially if it is not to hide from others, but just to smoke), I do not see or understand how pleasurable it is to smoke while defecating (I mean seating on the toilet seat and knowing you are going to be there for a while, maybe, but still ... but on squatting position either above the ground hole or even with your shoes on the toilet seat, no way...)

...I mean, just imagine, the situation, and let's take the dirty guy from above as an example...

it is in the morning, prior to going to an appointment, the dirty guy is in the rush, yet has a massive need to "launch-a-missile" in the loo. He arrives at the toilet: Damn! "Sitting toilet"! He is not sure what to do. He closes the door, unbuttons his pants, lowers down his pants, and facing the dilemma of not being used to sitting toilet, start a "yoga-esque" climbing manoeuvre to reach the toilet seat and put his shoes on it, adjusting laboriously his body in the squatting position above the toilet bowl while trying not to fall. Once in position and while he is pushing hard the meaty "hot-pot" of the previous night, his face red, disfigured and contracted by the efforts, moanings expressing his physical suffering, he lights up a cigarette...

Well, what...?!?

It makes no sense to me. Even if you like to smoke, why imposing to yourself the suffering of smoking while pushing it squatting on the toilet seat with your dirty shoes? That's so unhealthy and so repulsive.

I know that for some people working in certain jobs, it is the only escape possible during the day, as they are not allowed otherwise to leave the premise of their job to go outside even for a cigarette break, so for them I understand. So, if they have no other solution (except maybe quit smoking, which would be a good thing), then so be it. But for all the others, please go smoke outside. Please be considerate and do not smoke in the toilet, and if you do smoke in the toilet, at least, have the decency to clean after yourself and flush (with the rest of what you just did) the butt(s) of the cigarette(s) you just smoked too in the meantime. Do not leave them on the floor like your droplets and pellets. Please.

In conclusion...

I know that everyone does not receive the same level of education. I also fully understand and comprehend that life in society, the mores, the manners and usages may be entirely different, as well as being managed and taught differently (in many ways and with different codes) depending on the country (or even the region you are in), as well as the religions, the politics, the demographics and also the ethnic backgrounds of the people living in that country (or region).

And, consequently, I also understand that, for example, the actions of spitting, burping, farting, slurping, chewing, throat clearing (and even coughing and sneezing) out loud in the vicinity (or even in the face) of people, which are considered of "bad taste", "gross", "unacceptable" or even "abject" in some countries of Europe and the western world, are totally accepted, and even regarded as normal, (or even necessary as healthy for your body), in most parts of Asia and some parts of North Africa and the Middle East. I understand it, even if I have difficulties to accept it sometimes, especially if done in my immediate surroundings. (read my post on that specific subject here)

However, no matter how different the mores of a country, region, society or community can be from one to the next, manners, politeness, and courtesy, as well as the so-called "principles of etiquette" (honesty, respect and consideration), exist for a lot of reasons and factors, and should be part of the common ("universal") understanding (especially in this age of globalisation). As society changes sometimes they may make less sense, but at some point, there was usually a good reason behind why they existed in the first place.

And I'm not asking people to act, be or become like sheep, I'm just saying that it would be good to try to find a consensus for an acceptable common understanding of manners, politeness and courtesy extended to the whole world (with common moral codes and understandings of what can and cannot or should not be done in public places), conform to accepted standards of morality and respectability.

More especially that soon, as per the scientists, we will reach 9 billion people living on earth, and therefore surely will need common rules and laws and basic common codes and understandings of what manners, politeness and courtesy means and where/when they apply, otherwise, we are going to have a lot of difficulties living together in this "shrinking" earth.

Ok, enough said on the subject for today, otherwise, I think I going to get very lengthy and potentially very rude.

So, until next time, be good, be courteous, have some manners and be considerate to others, it will make you a better person: do not put your shoes on the toilet seat and do not smoke in the toilet either, and more importantly do not urinate or defecate on the toilet seat!!!

And if you do, clean after yourself!!!

Also, please, do not spit, burp, fart, slurp, chew, clear your throat (and/or even cough and sneeze) out loud in the vicinity (or even in the face) of people. Have some manners and some decency, just don't do it, or apologize if you do. ( know what you just did, so don't act like if you do not care and nothing happen...).

Thank you,

The courteous stickman (Domelgabor)

Domelgabor #domelgabor @domelgabor #thecourteousstickman #courteousstickman #courteous #courtesy #behaviors #menbehaviors #menbehaviorsinpublicplaces #menbehaviorsinpublictoilets #publictoilets #toilet #cigarettes #footprints #toiletseat #lackofcourtesy #lackofmanners #lackofconsideration #thesquattingsmoker #easypissy
