Wine Consulting Services
Wine Tastings & Training
Wine Classes & Education
Market Analysis
Stock Valuation
Carte des Vins | Wine Menu
Advice & Suggestions
Wine Writing & Article
Wine / Stock Inspections
Quality Control
Brand Ambassador / Promotion
Broker / Sourcing
Oenotourism / Wine Tour
Producers & Wineries relationship
Wine Trip Advice
Help businesses and clients to develop their business and activities
as well as their knowledge
and enhance their passion for wine
while advising them based on my
my Sommelier and Wine Buyer skills, experience and knowledge acquired over the last 30 years of working with wines & spirits
LeDomduVin is my alias
My real name is Dominique Noël
I'm a French-born naturalized American,
Bordeaux Native and grandson of a Vigneron - Winemaker
Travelled and seasoned Sommelier and Wine Expert
Wine Consultant - Wine Buyer - Wine Writer
and Wine Quality Control & Compliance Director
Boasting about 30 years of
Wine purchasing / selling / promoting / writing /
marketing / tasting / judging / travelling and education,
and management positions
in restaurants, hotels, sizable and niche boutique retail stores,
as well as with the wine division of a large corporate company
I worked over 3 continents in exciting markets
and wine hubs such as
Bordeaux, Paris, London, New York and currently Hong Kong
Often depicted as a skilful and passionate Sommelier,
as well as, Épicurien, Baroudeur,
Amoureux de la Vie, Agent Perturbateur, Curieux et Créatif,
and an advocate of the Latin aphorism "Carpe Diem"
I'm a very opinionated
Sommelier | Wine Consultant
who loves talking and learning about wine
and also loves writing long, factual and detailed posts
complemented by my pictures and illustrations
on my Wine Blog at www.ledomduvin.com
As well as sharing
my knowledge and passion for wine
with everyone (family, friends, novices,
amateurs, connoisseurs and peers alike)
via discussions, live streaming and videos,
wine classes, public and private wine tastings,
and other wine and food-related events,
with a strong presence on Social Media
Besides Wine and Food,
I have nurtured from a very young age
a passion for writing, drawing, photography,
music, art and culture, fueled by
a great dose of imagination, curiosity and creativity
and the insatiable need to create and compose
to translate all my thoughts, ideas and dreams
into words, images, drawings, illustrations,
photos, collages, montages, videos and more.
You can find all my works under both aliases
Please do not hesitate to contact me
if you have a question or simply want to chat
Be safe and take good care of yourself and your loved ones
Thank you
LeDomduVin a.k.a. Dominique Noël
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 6507 2218